Then it was organized by removing noise (irrelevant content). More than 100K celebrities’ details were retrieved from their profiles from both sources through scripts. There are two common places: one is IMDb and the other one is Wikipedia. This dataset is built on top of a large collection of celebrity faces.

It is very rare to find public datasets with thousands of images. It uses the MobileNet_V1_224_0.5 version of MobileNet. This model uses the IMDB WIKI dataset, which contains 500k+ celebrity faces. Similarly, we can use the MobileNet model in similar applications for example, in the next section, we’ll be looking at a gender model and an emotion model. There are a few command-line arguments that can be passed in while converting the model: We need to pass the data through command-line arguments. (TOCO stands for TensorFlow Lite Optimizing Converter.) TOCO Converter is used to convert from a TensorFlow GraphDef file or SavedModel into either a TFLite FlatBuffer or graph visualization. The suffix number 224 represents the image resolution. In the architecture flag, we choose which version of MobileNet to use, from versions 1.0, 0.75, 0.50, and 0.25. You can adjust and try this for yourself. Note : If you set validation_batch_size to -1, it will validate the whole dataset. They prioritize commercial interests over intellectual ones.-image_dir ~/MLmobileapps/Chapter5/dataset/ \

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