I'd like to mention that I'm writing this after my friend had gotten his account breached. That said, let's go over what I believe to be quite a significant bother in regards to bots and cheating software currently present and in use by players on Blade and Soul NA. My feelings as are my opinions are subjective, and what I feel to be a serious problem may not seem like that big of a deal to you or others. Additional information is provided via personal experience, studying, and community feedback. The information I present here is by no means 100% accurate and is based on perceived research done ingame with the cooperation of friends to get to the bottom of what we feel to be a very serious problem. I mostly handle troubleshooting and system diagnostics with residential PC systems, and have little to no experience developing video games, anti-cheat systems, or bots. Before I do however, let me make something clear. I'll definitely expand on my personal feelings and experience with that further down. Really! Works all the time, no bots, no cheating, and totally doesn't nerf your PC's performance!Įvery great game uses Game Guard to keep players safe and bot free.' If I must rant immediately about BNS's Anti-Bot protection, it would go something like *cough*:

If the game is good enough that I want to see it improve, then I will certainly try to bring to light glaring issues so they may be resolved to better improve the experience not just for myself, but for everyone else playing the game legitimately.

That said, I've had my moments where I just praised the game's ability to innovate and change the MMO Genre as well as mocked its falling into traps, hype, and a series of bad decisions. I'm going to through a few references in here for the sake of my own sanity with how utterly disgusted I am with the state of the game, which is sad since I've been following the game and its development very closely after it was first revealed in 2010.

Less about NCSoft not banning bots and more about the problem of bots and what's being done about it and the problems with that as well.